Kansas nursing outlines the educational, licensing, and career prospects for nurses. This is a state with flat terrain and numerous tornadoes through the year. One of the noted battles during the Civil War was Bleeding Kansas.
There are numerous wheat fields in the state, and many residents make a living from oil rigs. Kansas is one of the leading producers of beef cattle. Transportation is an important part of the state, and one of the largest airplane manufacturers is located in Kansas.
Kansas Nursing Job Outlook
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Nurses seem to have a healthy career in Kansas. An increase of more than 13% is projected in the state in the next 10 years. However, the rate of pay will probably not increase as fast as the rate of employment. Nurses who work in specialized areas will have more opportunities than those who are general RNs. The nursing field could add more jobs than any other field in the state. The shortage of nurses in the country will aid in the hiring of nurses in all health areas including home health and schools.
Nursing Scholarships in Kansas
The Kansas Board of Regents gives awards based on the number of people who apply. Rewards can be renewed, and students must be enrolled in a nursing program. The Kansas Nurses Foundation awards five scholarships each year worth $500 each. A GPA of 3.0 must be maintained, and the student must have three letters of recommendation.