Places where nurses can get free money include hundreds of nursing-specific scholarships you can apply for online. Nursing is one of the fastest-growing and most lucrative careers you can become involved in. Even without financial assistance, nurses are in a great position to pay back student loans in a timely manner. But who doesn’t like a little extra money?
There are hundreds of nursing-specific scholarships you can apply for online, many of which are specific to individual states. A number are available nationally as well, like the 40 scholarships we’ve selected below.
- The BestNursingDegree.com Back to School Nursing Scholarship is worth $2,500 and is given to a randomly selected candidate. Four awards are available each year.
- The AAC’s Behavioral Health Academic Scholarship Program is worth between $2,500 and $5,000. Deadlines for the award are due on the 31st of May for the following year. Students in nursing are eligible if they are focusing on treating mental health and/or substance abuse issues.
- The Active Army Nurse Corps Program offers up to $9,000 per academic year, as well as $1,000 a year for books to future health care professionals. The enlisted commissioning program is for active-duty enlisted soldiers so that they may attend college full time to complete a bachelor of nursing.
- The After College $10,000 Scholarship Fund is offered quarterly to students pursuing professional nursing education. The program is for undergraduate or graduate study, with preference given to students wanting to be nurse educators, or completing RN-to-BSN or RN-to-MSN programs.
- The American Assembly for Men in Nursing Foundation offers a number of scholarships for men including three $500 essay contests as well as another essay contest for $1,000. The deadline is July 1st.
- MightNurse.com offers a $500 scholarship for students enrolled in a nursing program at an LPN level, an RN level, or higher. The deadlines for the scholarship are on May 1st and December 1st each year.
- Tylenol offers 30 $5,000-$10,000 Future Care Scholarships. Eligible students have completed at least one year of undergraduate or graduate study in a health field. Criteria for being awarded the scholarship include college GPA, GPA in health schools, community involvement, and an essay.
- GotChosen.com offers a $5,000 scholarship every month through their social exchange. Students whose post has the highest number of upvotes by the end of the month win. Open to all fields of study, but the scholarship must be used for educational expenses.
- The American College of Nurse-Midwives offers a number of scholarships that are available for undergraduate and graduate-level midwife students. Students must be enrolled and in good standing at an ACNM DOA accredited basic midwifery program, have completed one academic or clinical semester/module, and be a current student member of the ACNM.
- The American Association of Occupational Health Nurses offers 15 professional development scholarships of denominations between $1,500 and $2,500. Eligible participants must be employed and pursuing a degree in the fields of Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing.
- The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees offer recurring four-year scholarships in $2,000 a year denominations. To be eligible to receive an award, students must be children or financially dependent grandchildren of active or retired full-dues-paying AFSCME members. Students must be graduating high school seniors heading to an accredited college or university.
- The Charlotte McGuire Scholarships are awarded to deserving students choosing to pursue a degree in Holistic Nursing. Awards are worth $2,000 and awarded for four straight years.
- The Children’s National Health System offers a yearly $500 scholarship for pediatric nursing students. Eligible students are in the process of obtaining their BSN and have exhibited an interest in pediatrics.
- The Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation offers national college of nursing scholarships in denominations from $250-$2,500. Students are chosen for scholarship awards through a number of Internet-based quiz competitions. The deadline for the quiz is currently open.
- Cristia Medical Supply offers a Caring Nurse Scholarship in $500 denominations to be awarded to students who win their 300-400 word essay contest. Those already enrolled in undergraduate nursing programs, or high school students accepted to nursing programs may apply for the scholarship.
- The Alexander Graham Bell Foundation of the Deaf or Hard of Hearing offers a $1,000-$10,000 scholarship that is open to students of any academic discipline who are deaf or hearing impaired.
- The Allogan Slage Scholarships is provided by the Association of American Indian Affairs and offered in denominations of $1,500. The scholarship is available for Native American students and is awarded to the students with the largest amount of need.
- DiversityNursing.com offers a $5,000 scholarship for students who have created a jobseeker account for their site.
- The Elizabeth Garde Nursing Scholarship is available to a member of the Danish Sisterhood of America, or to the son or daughter of a member. Scholarships are available in $850 denominations.
- The Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association offers a number of general scholarships ranging from awards of $1,000 to $5,000. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited nursing school at the associate’s through doctoral levels.
- The Gen and Kelly Tanabe Parent Scholarship is for parents of current high school or college students and has the aim of helping students pay for their children’s higher education. Any major is eligible for the $1,000 award. Winners are chosen by submitted essay.
- The Global Scholarship Alliance offers a Nurse Development Scholarship meant to help students pursuing advanced nursing degrees as internationally trained nurses. Awards are $5,000 for relocation, immigrant visa sponsorship and temporary housing.
- The United Realty Partners support the Jacob Frydman Scholarship Fund, which involves a number of $5,000-$10,000. High school or college students of any major may apply if they are between 16 and 22 years of age.
- The Lamber-Goodnow Injury Law Team offers a nursing scholarship worth $1,000 to a “driven, caring, and compassionate future nurse.” Applicants submit a 500-750-word essay about what drives them and why they want to go to nursing school.
- The Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital (on the Stanford University campus) offers an MSN scholarship in conjunction with aftercollege.com. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher in their previous coursework.
- The March of Dimes offers an annual scholarship worth $5,000 and awarded to graduate nursing students focusing on maternal-child nursing. Applicants must be a member of the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, the American College of Nurse-Midwives, or the National Association of Neonatal Nurses.
- The Emergency Nurses Association Foundation offers the Margaret Miller Memorial Scholarship worth $3,000. Applicants must be pursuing their RN, LPN, or LVN.
- Learning Ally offers the Marion Huber Learning Through Listening Award to high school seniors with learning disabilities. The award is currently worth
- The National Black Nurses Association offers <a href=”http://www.nbna.org/content.asp?contentid=82″>the Marth A. Dawson Genesis Scholarship</a> worth up to $6,000. Applicants must be members of the NBNA and have at least one year remaining in their BSN, AD, Diploma, or LPN/LVN programs.
- The Service Employees International Union offers the Nora Piore Scholarship Program in honor of Nora Piore, a union organizer, labor educator, college professor, health care economist, and activist. The award is for up to $4,375 and may be renewed for a second year.
- The Japanese American Citizens League supports a national scholarship program that offers over $70,000 in scholarships yearly to over 30 recipients. Applicants must be JACL members and currently pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree.
- NurseJournal.org offers a $3,000 scholarship to applicants pursuing online or traditional programs in medicine, nursing, or public health. Applicants must complete an 800-1000 word essay.
- The Rooth Law Firm supports the Nursing Home Abuse Prevention Scholarship worth $1,000 and presented yearly. Successful applicants must be within their first or second year of an accredited nursing school with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- The Oncology Nursing Society Foundation offers a number of scholarships for every level of schooling in denominations of $3,000-$5,000. Scholarships are available for those who are already nurses and are seeking to further their education at the undergraduate or graduate level.
- The National Black Nurses Association offers the LeGrande Trottman Scholarship in denominations of $2,000. The award is for members of the NBNA who have at least one full year of nursing school remaining.
- The National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution offers the Madeline Pickett (Halbert) Cogswell Scholarship in denominations of $1,000. Applicants must be members, descendants of members, or eligible for membership in the NSDAR.
- The National Black Nurses Association offers the Margaret Pemberton Scholarship in denominations up to $6,000. Applicants must be currently enrolled in nursing school with good academic standing and be members of the NBNA
- The National Black Nurses Association offers the Mayo Foundations Scholarship in denominations up to $6,000 for applicants who are enrolled in a nursing program, are in good academic standing, and are members of the NBNA.
- The Foundation of the National Student Nurses Association offers the McKesson Scholarships in denominations of up to $1,000 for all students who are currently in programs leading to RN licensure.
- The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution offers the Mildrid Nutting Nursing Scholarship as a one-time award of $1,000 to students who are in financial need. Preference is given to students who live in the greater Lowell, MA area.
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