Is an RN vs BSN Salary More?

As working nurses get deeper into their career, responsibilities increase and there is less and less time to pursue more education. But as the times change, so does the models of learning. It is now possible to work classes into your schedule and pursue a degree while taking care of other responsibilities. Registered nurses are always busy and barely have time for themselves, let alone to take classes. With an online RN to BSN from an accredited institution, working nurses can pursue a degree and grow their career – and earn a higher salary.

Accreditation of schools and programs assure students that they are pursuing a degree that will be worth it in the long run. When applying for a job or asking for a promotion after taking an RN to BSN program, employers will recognize degrees from accredited institutions. Online degrees are just as valuable as the traditional degrees as long as the institution is accredited by relevant bodies. How much does a nurse make in a month? A lot more, if we’re talking RN vs BSN salary.

RN vs BSN salary

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Registered nurses are able to do basic stuff such as taking patient history, administering medication, and chart reading among other things. With a BSN, one is able to choose a defined career path such as being a nurse practitioner, a nurse educator, a specialized nurse, or a public health nurse.

A BSN also enables nurses to pursue a master’s degree and specialize in practice areas such as orthopedics and geriatrics. In terms of RN vs BSN salary, nurses with a BSN degree earn up to $69,697 while RNs earn a salary of $61,360 per year. This means that a BSN can increase a registered nurse’s salary by more than $8,000, and that’s just a start.

ADN vs BSN salary

It is a presumption that when one gets more degrees, they will be in a position to make more money. An ADN takes two years to complete while a BSN takes four years to complete. The difference between the two is that BSN students get more theory education during the extra two years. For this reason, ADN graduates also get the same opportunities as those of BSN.

However, nurses with a BSN earn more money than their ADN counterparts in most states. The ADN vs BSN salary discrepancy is because BSN graduates are in a better position to advance their careers and can hold supervisory positions in their places of work. The difference between ADN vs BSN salary is as much as $4000 a year or more.

How Much Does a Nurse Make a Month?

Nurses are among the well-paid professions in the country with an average salary of $73,550 a year. The highest paid nurses get about $104,100 while the lowest paid nurses receive $48,690 annually. The report by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics shows a difference in salaries in different states. RN vs BSN salary difference is quite significant. In most states, the difference in the salary of a registered nurse and one with a bachelor in nursing is between $800 and $1,000.

So, how much does a nurse make a month? It depends on the certificates they hold and whether or not they have any specializations. Nurses with specializations earn better salaries. Geriatric nurses, for instance, earn up to $70,000 a year, while pediatric nurses with adequate experience may earn up to $100,000, and certified nurse midwives can earn an annual salary of up to $96,970.
